Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Sears, Roebuck, USA (Gordon L Weil. 1977)

Book I recently finished on the history of Sears (up thru the late 7os). Some interesting Sears trivia in here.. I didn't realize Sears originated as a mail order business. Richard Sears started selling watches thru the mail to Midwestern farmers. Guess they were generally isolated from (non-essential) retail items, so the mail order was convenient. Also never knew that Allstate Insurance was created (& for a long time administered) by Sears. Biographies on the secession of Sears pioneers, details on their (once great) catalog ordering/packing process.

Growing up, I liked going thru Sears' Christmas catalogs, picking out NFL gear.. It's a shame Sears didn't comprehend the imminent online marketplace. They had a sophisticated shipping network (& in some respects were the original Amazon), but they didn't understand (or acknowledge) the retail future. This book was researched & published when Sears was still @ the top of the game. At the end of the book a U of Oklahoma business professor is quoted as saying Sears has an '..extraordinary track record in reprogramming itself to adapt to change.' True for a 100 years, but an incidental pincer movement from Wal*Mart & Amazon ate Sears up.

Pembroke Mall Sears, circa 1960s.

* Nat Rrain Cast Portrait:
(Front to back, left to right: Creeps, Nathaniel, Nat, Sharpie, Pudgy Nauseous, Texas Weiner Man, Morgan Pepper, Laura Harell, Martin Hess, Billy, Jon-Lycanthropus Buffinus Neanderthalus, Frankie, Edgar Allen Toe, the Golden Shower.)


Thursday, June 20, 2019

^ Panels from a full-length I'm working on, recounting the tragic 1982 crash of Air Florida flight 90.

Interesting book I finished recently (Spaceships of Ezekiel).. There had been a theory circulating that the Old Testament prophet Ezekiel gave a primitive firsthand account of an alien visit in his testimony.. A NASA engineer (Blumrich) set out to disprove this theory as foolish & superstitious; but ended up embracing and expanding on the theory. Spaceships of Ezekiel is Blumrich' technical breakdown & intepretation of Ezekiel's eyewitness account.
A lot of Blumrich's theory & diagrams (of the theoretical UFO) make sense to me, but he seemed to conveniently omit passages from Ezekiel's testimony that would bolster the traditional interpretation: which is that Ezekiel was visited by the Lord (specifically with warnings & chastisement to the house of Israel). I mean, why would an E.T. visit include preaching against Israel's religious sins (violating dietary laws, worship of idols) (?) This messaging seems consistent with God of the Old Testament, not w/a universal greeting you might expect from an otherworldly explorer.
Book cover is great, looks like something straight from In Search of..
So '7os, it hurts.               

Wednesday, March 27, 2019

Unrelated (and belated) eulogy for artist Jack Davis. His work had a ubiquitous influence on me growing up. I liked the work he did for Mad Magazine, and football related sketches he generated over the years. Davis was good at recreating the energy & eccentricities of football players & team mascots. Rest in Peace..

Friday, March 8, 2019

^ page 1 from Beginning. Based loosely on the Genesis' Creation account.

old Lynnhaven Mall signs (circa early '90s) & vintage Cavalier Hotel.
From A Night in Virginia Beach (2003).

More pointless Hampton Roads' nostalgia.. Listing for the long-gone bowling alley. Corner of Plaza Trail & Virginia Beach Blvd. The strip mall was rebuilt @ some point, with a PetSmart.