Thursday, June 20, 2019

^ Panels from a full-length I'm working on, recounting the tragic 1982 crash of Air Florida flight 90.

Interesting book I finished recently (Spaceships of Ezekiel).. There had been a theory circulating that the Old Testament prophet Ezekiel gave a primitive firsthand account of an alien visit in his testimony.. A NASA engineer (Blumrich) set out to disprove this theory as foolish & superstitious; but ended up embracing and expanding on the theory. Spaceships of Ezekiel is Blumrich' technical breakdown & intepretation of Ezekiel's eyewitness account.
A lot of Blumrich's theory & diagrams (of the theoretical UFO) make sense to me, but he seemed to conveniently omit passages from Ezekiel's testimony that would bolster the traditional interpretation: which is that Ezekiel was visited by the Lord (specifically with warnings & chastisement to the house of Israel). I mean, why would an E.T. visit include preaching against Israel's religious sins (violating dietary laws, worship of idols) (?) This messaging seems consistent with God of the Old Testament, not w/a universal greeting you might expect from an otherworldly explorer.
Book cover is great, looks like something straight from In Search of..
So '7os, it hurts.