Saturday, July 29, 2023

I was reminded of an old (original) Twilight Zone episode recently.. The season one episode Mr. Bevis. Basically the story of a nice guy, down on his luck. Mr. Bevis is a single guy, with a beat-up ride, tenuous employment, with harmless (but childlike) hobbies. He is a good-hearted man, who paints a sympathetic character as he loses his job, and his hooptie is totaled in a freak accident.

So Mr. Bevis understandably heads to the bottom of the bottle, until he makes the unexpected acquaintance of a sort of guardian angel (played by Henry Jones, who later was in the underrated, short-lived series: Mrs Columbo)

'Mr. Bevis' with actor Henry Jones..

Mr Bevis is basically given a new life, but it doesn't fit what he truly wants. So his genie (without a bottle) gifts him back his original, modest (but fulfilling) existence. Including his outdated car.

So after downing a series of double shots, Mr. Bevis exits the bar and finds his ol' trusty ride waiting for him.. courtesy of his mystical benefactor. The guardian angel even relocates the vehicle, so a nearby cop can't ticket him for illegal parking. And the contented Mr. Bevis simply DUIs off in to the sunset..
