Tuesday, June 29, 2021

* Received a message recently, this blog service is ending it's relationship with Feedburner.. there won't be any more blog updates e-mailed out (after July). If interested, check in every month or two to see new Natrrain art, etc. I plan on continuing to post, & maybe can find a new bulk e-mail delivery service to replace Feedburner..*

Also want to mention a good read I'm finishing, The Burning Blue (Kevin Cook). Basically the story of the astronauts killed in the Challenger explosion.

All the astronauts' immediate back-stories are covered (including relevant interpersonal family & co-worker relationships), but primary focus is on Christa McAuliffe's transformation from teacher to a Shuttle payload specialist (selected from a pool of over 11,000 applicants). And the unique media attention & public appeal she experienced. Vivid description of the astronauts' experience on the launch morning, as they carried out traditional pre-launch rituals, and dealt with unusual cold that day. It's heavy to read in hindsight, even after 35 years.
Some strange, ominous events leading to launch day (I hadn't heard of) are also covered. Including a school shooting that happened at McAuliffe's school as she was away, training for her mission. 
I think Cook does a good job retelling/honoring how a self-described ordinary school teacher, took on an extraordinary challenge. 

contact- nat.rain@gmail.com