When I knew Holly, her last name was Womack, but I remember she used stage names when playing in bands. And in her online obit, it looked like she had a married name. One of her zines was Fresh Rag, and then Cranked Up (and looking at this cover ^, maybe also Cranked Up Really High?)
(Cover model: Ms. April May)
I had already moved to LA when Holly was publishing her 'zines, but I was still in touch with several zine publishers covering Hampton Roads' rock. And appreciated the reports on Norfolk..
(from Fresh Rag, prophetic about what was happening in Norfolk real estate too)
I think Holly was also interviewed for the documentary Hardcore Norfolk, which did a good job covering the history of Hampton Roads rock, and how it was unfortunately fading. But truth is, organic local rock scenes are dwindling in most areas. It's not like the stretch between the mid 70s thru mid 90s, where a number of live, local music scenes (LA hardcore, NYC punk, Seattle/Washington State grunge etc) were being locally grown, honed and fostered by local 'zines and record labels. It's a different time, with different technologies, appetites, local media etc. But Holly did good, reporting and uplifting her local music community.
(I had also done some art for her website..)
contact- nat.rain@gmail.com